Just War Theory And The 2003 Iraq War Politics Essay
The Iraq War or the second Gulf War has been commenced since 20 March 2003. Despite the troops consisted of military force of various western nations, it was actually led by the United States.
Over the years, people have questioned the Bush administration whether it is justified to invade Iraq, and whether the Iraq War fulfill the criteria of the Just War Theory. As such, this essay will attempt to determine whether the invasion of Iraq by the Bush administration is justified.
Just cause The reason for going to war must be just. Force may be used only to correct a grave, public evil, i.e. aggression or massive violation of the basic human rights of whole populations [1] . In addition to what we generally accept that force may only be used to correct a grave and public evil, Holmes (1992) stated that the criterion of just cause has been downgraded. He also stated that a war is justified in response to aggression, ie, self-defense.
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Just War Theory And The 2003 Iraq War Politics Essay
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The Detroit Pistons had one real offensive threat, and he was regarded too small to play in the NBA. A player that had the capability of scoring 20 to 25 points was Richard Hamilton. The strategy of the Pistons was not to try to outscore their opponent, but instead play a defensive game and hold their opponent for up to under 90 points per game. This idea worked all through the season and the way into the playoffs. The Pistons won 50 games during the regular season, which made them the number one contender during the playoffs. The Pistons won two of their playoff by using defense alone.
The tournament ended with the Western Conference champions San Antonio Spurs defeating the champions of Eastern Conference New Jersey Nets 4 games to two in the Finals. For the second time, Tim Duncan was voted NBA Finals MVP (landofbasketball, 2013).
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The mobile Internet is growing so fast. There is about 500 million people use the mobile internet worldwide in 2009. The Smartphone will be the most popular method to access the internet than PCs in the next few years. There are more and more people want to have Smartphone instead of desktop or laptop. In Egypt and India this is 70 percent and 59 percent of mobile internet users are mobile-only. Even in the US it is 25 percent. (MobiThinking 2010). Now there are about 150 million presently users log in Facebook from mobile devices. People use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice more active on Facebook than non-mobile users.(Mobithinking 2010) These make the reason of the Smartphone growth very fast recently.
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Hi, my name is Nick Kingson. I live in the suburb of London city. I live in an institute for homeless people. I have been here for the last past nine years. I am now 17 years old. During my nine years in the institution, my best friend has been David Bryant. He is like me but his past has a tragedy storey. His mother was black and his father was white. During a shopping trip, his parents were stepped in the parking area by white youths. David was only three then and couldn't do anything. When I heard his storey, I couldn't stop my tears. The tears were like a riverbank waiting to burst.
Unlike him, my parents were with me until I was six. After that my father left my mum and went with another woman. As if that wasn't enough my mother died in a car accident. Later I found out that the accident occurred because she was drinking alcohol. I warned here about here addiction to alcohol and how it could get her into trouble, but she never listened. And know look where I am, a homeless teenager. The institute follows a strict rule like no television after ten, no smoking or drugs, etc.
Nuclear Energy Essay -- Renewable Energy
Nuclear Energy
Energy consumption has become a necessity and an important part of our daily life in the past 10 years. It seems that the world is looking for an energy source that is cleaner, cheaper and more efficient and since nuclear energy has emerged it has become the forerunner for alternative energy sources. ‘As of 2004, nuclear power provided 6.5% of the world's energy and 15.7% of the world's electricity, with the U.S., France, and Japan together accounting for 57% of nuclear generated electricity’ (‘Nuclear energy facts’ 2007). Nuclear energy can be a doubled edged sword as it can be used for peaceful uses or used to manufacture weapons of mass destruction which can put the world in danger. As more countries begin to use nuclear energy, especially in the Middle East, fears of the countries in the west increases as they cannot be sure if their intentions are for peaceful uses or military uses.
Many people argue that the main problem with nuclear power plants is the radioactive waste it leaves behind which have no use.
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plied the communication theory on its sample students in an attempt to understand the students’ perception on the use of the substances (DeSantis, Webb & Noar, 2008). Through the communication theory, the researcher would understand the health knowledge of the students, their attitudes and even reactional behaviors towards the substance. After gathering information on the students’ perception on the use of the drugs, the researcher would then be better placed to define mechanisms that would properly educate the students on the dangers of the prescription drugs (DeSantis, Webb & Noar, 2008).
The quantitative and qualitative methodologies complemented each other in the research. The two forms of methodology provided an understanding on the rising numbers on the use of ADHD stimulant use. The quantitative methodology gave the statistics on the use of the stimulants while qualitative gave results on the interviews with the students (DeSantis, Webb & Noar, 2008).