ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY - Research Paper ExampleBorugian et al. (2005) did not directly really address equity issues in Canada’s rural health care. However, one way of interpreting the Borugian et al. (2005) article is that when we are able to correlate select socioeconomic variables with the rural sector of Canada, cases of childhood leukemia may negatively correlate with Canada’s rural socioeconomic characteristics. One key result that Borugian et al. (2005) supposedly found is that a slightly lower relative risk of childhood leukemia was observed in the poorest quintile compared with the richest quintile. Thus, when we succeed in showing that Canada’s rural population is associated with the poorest quintile, it may be possible to show that Canada’s rural population is also associated with lower childhood leukemia. Borugian et al. (2005) recognize that other studies have results that are inconsistent with their own findings but Borugian et al. (2005) interpreted the inconsistent findings to be due to case ascertainment or study participation.

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