Sophocles, writing King Oedipus faced an unusual problem. He needed to find ways to engage an audience that has pre-knowledge of the plot and characters. He successfully does this to a high degree by using several techniques such as, irony, climax and anti-climaxes, plot and character twists, lack of resolution and foreshadowing. The most effective feature utilized by Sophocles is irony because it builds tension, keeps the audience alert and has the effect of black comedy. The most common kind of irony is spoken irony which occurs in most dialogues. Oedipus bans himself in the beginning ?His fate will be nothing worse Than banishment? (Sophocles 31) which is ironic. This example has both a tension building effect and an amusing effect on the audience, which further engages them. When Oedipus is talking to his real mother, Jocasta he says ?still to fear?my mother (Sophocles 52) it has an amusing effect on the audience. The overuse of irony is very effective because Sophocles is constantly recycling it, which gives a more humorous and irritating aspect to the play.

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