Did strategy drive war or did war drive strategy in early modern and modern France - Essay Exampleue Protestants in France while helping Protestant organizations abroad— so as well did strategy turned out to be restrained.iii The bloodbath of the Thirty Years’ War gave way to wars fought for ‘reason’, to enlarge the ruler’s interests and through him the entire stateiv: hence the birth of strategy in early modern and modern France.While scholars analyzed old Roman literatures to unearth the element that made the legion indestructible mechanisms of strategy, so too did strategy practitioners revisit the Classical period where in the premise of foreign policy influenced the waging of war.v For some time, the growth of the newly centralized government and the creation of gunpowder seemed to destroy the formidability of fortifications: medieval defenses failed to endure the thrashing of late 15th- or early 16th-century weaponry.vi However, the creation of thoroughly devised geometric buttresses brought back a great deal of the balance.

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