Entrepreneurship - Essay ExampleArchitecture for Humanity is one such institute. It was started in1999 by two individuals, Cameron Sinclair and Kate Stohr, out of their entrepreneurial spirit (Sinclair, 11). The initial concept was to search for architectural remedies to some humanitarian calamities and avail design services to populations in need. They planned to create openings and avenues through which architects and designers all over the globe would respond to humanitarian catastrophes. To achieve this, they planned to work through various forums and organize various activities such as collaborations with other firms and groups, workshops and competitions. However, regardless of various undertakings since 1999, they had not succeeded in building a single structure till after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on World Trade Centre (Sinclair, 11). They had humble beginnings and for four years were working from a small office cubicle in New York that was only 4 sq. ft.

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