With the proposed expansion of CPI in other countries like Brazil and the some European states, we need to consider three things: 1) the market share of giant corporations in the same business, 2) the company’s capital size, and 3) the price elasticity of the products to be sold (in those countries). While all these factors are of salience in the company’s operations, it is assumed that the relative complexity of the market is an avenue of uncertainty. Other factors like political stability may influence considerably the company’s operations as much as the presence of giant corporations in the business.The presence of giant corporations in the same business can be staved-off by setting commercial offices in places that are without the presence of these corporations. For example, if giant corporations are well concentrated in a particular city, the company should establish subsidiaries in semi-urban areas. This would stave off competition as well as maximizing the limited consumer base (semi-urban areas have a considerable consumer size).

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