How many of you remember what you ate for lunch How many of you know exactly which country your lunch came from Over one-third of the food we eat is shipped from over seas and nearly another 1/3 comes for Canada, Mexico, and South America.      This is the reality; if you don’t raise your food yourself, you don’t know where it came from, or how it was handled. Chemicals such as DDT and Guthion are still used every day in less developed countries that the US buys food from. Toilets and sinks in the field are not even considered in these countries. It seems that if the USDA prohibited DDT and set up sanitation laws in the United States to protect the food we eat, then counties we buy food from should have the same laws. Friends, the best traditions of our National life are in trouble, the cornerstone of the US is giving way. Agriculture, is suffering. You might think, so what! Ag is down right now, but so is every other major industry in the United States. This is not just a sign of the times. The problem is deeper. An economic issue comes into play with imported foods.