Ben Shneiderman, in Leonardo’s Laptop, introduces the idea of new education, which uses technology for active learning and collaborative teaching methods. In this new education, a part of the new computing, Shneiderman envisions an educational online web tool, which he calls LEON. This method of e-learning would provide a student oriented view of what is on the web. Students could gather information and acquire resources. It would allow students to recognize truth and useful information. LEON would allow for students to work in collaborative teams. Students and teachers will be able to work together and post the outcomes of the collaborations. It would allow for student participation, whether one on one or groups. E-learning would produce results that are meaningful to someone outside the classroom. An archive would be provided for students and teachers everywhere. These explain the idea’s for Shneiderman’s LEON in the new education, a part of the new computing.      I agree with all parts of LEON.

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