The story’s plot (if there is any) was light. It was just about a guy (Manong) who took care of a bull and eventually met a girl (Aning) on the road. It was obvious that Manong was attracted to Aning mainly because of her figure, “The underpart of her arm is while and smooth…And her hair is thick and black.”The bull in the story served as a connection of the two persons. It was like in Chekhov’s “The Lady with the Pet Dog” (I just realized that I often cite this story in my commentaries. What can I do? I love this story). When Manong was having a meal with the bull on his side, he found the girl fetching water on the well and it was obvious that Manong grew “conscious” in her presence which leads to the idea that he likes the girl. But on my reading, he just likes the girl due to impulsiveness – physical attraction. His noticeable thoughts of the girl’s “breast” was the proof that he was just another normal guy who does this thing. Oh, I’m sounding crappy.

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