None - Essay ExampleThe world is viewed as a place where determination is intelligent and personal. Divine activity is used as an explanation for various events. Another main feature of this view is a partial order and rationality (Cunningham & Reich 36). According to Homeric views, not all events can be put down to intelligent, personal determination. The world blends chance and natural order, with some events coming under rational agent control while others do not.The Etruscans had an outstanding technological ability and sophistication (Cunningham & Reich 88). Their commercial contacts extended to most of Western Mediterranean and Tarquinia and Cerveteri in Italy. Their traditional art while almost spiritually primitive were of highly sophisticated technique and craftsmanship. They, unlike the Greeks, were more interested in the production of instantaneous impact on viewers. They were also responsible for the urbanization of Rome by building shrines, temples, and roads. They also introduced toga and horse racing to the Romans.

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