One Organized Crime Questions - Essay ExampleIn 1917, D’Aquila efficiently managed to suck up the Comorra gangs. In 1918, Comorra had assassinated the leader (Benson & French, 2008). Morello. Later, after many atrocious activities of these criminal gangs, Carlo Gambino became boss, owing to the death of Anastasia, a former leader in the early 1950s (Benson & French, 2008). Gambino then secretly conspired against another leader, Genovese, who was detained, and handed a 15-year imprisonment. At this time, the Gambino family emerged as a significant gang family within New York.Currently, the gang is highly controlled, with three key members as the heads. These include Anthony Gurino, Giovanni Gambino, and Joseph Juliano (Benson & French, 2008). Danny Leo serves as the interim boss. The street boss and the underboss are Liborio and Venero respectively. The gang estimated number of members rises slightly above 200, with various associates across the US and regionally (Benson & French, 2008).