Teaching Today's Teachers to Teach - Essay Example
Griggs uses Psalm 78 as a basis for his argument, but this is an argument that I cannot support. While I believe that children must be a priority for the church in regards to teaching, I believe that the same Psalm suggests the very opposite in the first stanza of the Psalm. The Psalmist says “Give ear, O my people, to my teaching…†The Psalmist does not suggest that children should be the first priority here but rather the opposite. Take the West End Baptist Church as an example to illustrate this point. Greater emphasis is placed on Biblical learning for younger people and not enough for the senior persons of the church. As a result, there is an ineffective Christian Education Department not because of the teachers but because of misplaced emphasis. The philosophy that I’ve struggled to implement is to teach the parents and the children. There can be no direct distinction between the two; they are equally important entities for the modern day church, just as they were for the early church.
Teaching Today's Teachers to Teach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
2020. 3. 7. 14:57