To further test why there was a difference in the above results, t-test was further conducted between the two groups to identify the items where there are possible differences between the two groups under study. B. 1. Leadership, Item 1: There was no significant difference between the Leadership mean scores of the Others Group and the Leaders Group. This means that as far as the Leadership indicators were concerned the two groups could be considered as belonging to the same population, Table 4. Table 4. T-Test Results of Leadership Mean Scores of the Others Group and the Leaders Group Variables Others Leaders t-test Significance.Leadership 3. 805 4. 186 -1. 68 p=0. 10n. s. n. s. = not significant (accept hypothesis: mean scores of others = leaders) * significant at 1% level (reject null hypothesis) This implied that although the respondents belonged to different echelons in the organization studied, as far as the Leadership, Item 1, measures are concerned; the Junior Officers and the Senior Officers perform at the same level. B. 2.
전체 글
- Others vs. leaders Essay 2020.02.12
- The Abolition Of Prostitution In Malaysia 2020.02.11
- Volkswagen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words 2020.02.11
Others vs. leaders Essay
The Abolition Of Prostitution In Malaysia
The Abolition Of Prostitution In MalaysiaLast year I spent a lot of time working for the charity entitled The Hope House. This charitable organizations objective is to educate the children that are born into the brothels. The organization intends to build a place where these children can be provided with training in several artistic areas such as: photography, dance, painting etc- which I intend to teach at when I achieve my degree. There is a documentary on this subject matter Born Into Brothels, directed by Zana Briski, Ross Kauffman , which brutally displays what these children endure throughout their childhood. One of the little boys featured in the documentary now attends NYU for photography, which is unheard of by the people in the brothels of Cambodia; Avijit is now one of my closest friends. The involvement I have in this organization sparked my interest to look further into the brothels and examine the different theories of how to essentially stop the red light district.A brothel can be defined as a house where men visit prostitutes ( OED 2. a).
Volkswagen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Volkswagen - Essay ExampleFurthermore, Porter’s Five Forces analysis and SWOT analysis is also conducted with regards to the internal environment of the company. In conclusion, the report proposes two specific recommendations to the Board of Directors after critically and comprehensively analyzing the strategic position of the business. It is suggested that Volkswagen take immediate measures to further enhance its position in the US which has delivered optimistic performance so far but indicates that further efforts are needed. It is also recommended that Volkswagen continue to explore emerging markets across the globe such as India while maintaining its position in China and Brazil. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 1.Introduction 3 2.Analysis of Strategic Position 4 2.1Internal Audit 4 2.1.1Strategic Capabilities 5 2.1.2VRIN ANALYSIS 6 2.1.3Value Chain 8 2.2External Audit 9 2.2.1PESTEL Analysis 10 2.2.2The Five Forces Analysis 12 2.3SWOT Analysis 15 2.3.1TOWS Matrix 16 3.Conclusion and Recommendation 17 1.