Project Initiation Document 'PID' - Assignment ExampleWith other regions offering international higher education courses such as Canada, US, and China; the demand for UK higher education has declined (Universities UK, 2014). In this case, the project aims to accomplish the following objectives:Three areas provide the rationale for this project. Firstly, the UK higher education sector has suffered significant drop of 49% in enrolling international students. Secondly, sectors such as U.S., Canada, and China have increased demand as UK system continues to drop. Third, following political stability and economic improvements, a higher number of Saudi students is seeking higher education institutions to study in.The decrease in the number of international students studying in the UK from the year 2012 to 2014 has impacted various areas of the education system. It is considered that higher education adds significant contribution to the national GDP and also invited diversity. However, following the decrease in students, it is difficult to sustain the system.

II. What is the main idea of the article?Colleges and universities have begun to build university linked housing for older alumni. This offers the alumni the ability to take part on campus, but it also creates revenue for schools needing more funding.III. How does the author support his main ideas?Dan Kadlec, the author of this article, interviewed representatives from UCLA and Ohio State University about the creation of university linked retirement villages. Both representatives were quite excited about the idea, with David Kane from UCLA hoping to create at least a dozen areas that could hold all ages of UCLA graduates. Bonnie Kantor, from Ohio State, looks more toward the wealth of knowledge that older students will bring to classes and dreams of the impact that building assisted living facilities around medical and nursing schools could have. Fifty facilities have been built around the country, some of the most notable being at Penn State, Notre Dame, and the University of Florida.

Sociology - Essay ExampleOn the other hand, there is the individual autonomy. The individual professional autonomy of the physician is not only limited to his/her ability in making clinical decisions and in securing the necessary medical services for patients but it also encompasses the autonomy in pertinent to control over one’s own work, which may include the structure and schedule of the work (Stoddard et al, 2001). In line with this, allied health professions have challenged medicine’s professional autonomy. Currently, physicians’ economic stature is challenged from two sides. One is the increasing income gap between the specialists and the general practitioners and the other is coming from the National Health Services, which now requires doctors to produce job plans for the working week, the presence of preauthorization requirements, reducing their freedom to refer and their employment contract being held by Health Authorities (Harrison & Ahmad, 2000).

In order for children to feel safe away from home they need a safe environment where they can learn and play comfortably. I am always alert and continuously observe the children at all times. Children must never be left unsupervised. In the class, safety precautions such as checking all tables and chairs for damage and sharp edges is done weekly. All electrical outlets that are not being used are covered with safety caps. I guarantee that the children’s work and play areas are free of clutter. When the children are using scissors, pencils or other instruments, I make sure they carry them in an appropriate manner to prevent injury. We have on file written permission from the parent’s to take their child for any emergency medical care if the nurse isn’t on campus. Outdoor play areas are checked daily for harmful objects such as bottles, cans, or other litter items before the children go out to play. In the center, a fire drill is conducted Once a month.A Healthy EnvironmentA healthy environment is essential for effective learning.

International Criminal Justice - Essay ExampleThere are no guidelines that can serve societies that have endured a governing process that included crimes against humanity and gross abuses f human rights, but that is currently making a democratic transition based on constitutionalism and respect for the individual. Fashioning an appropriate approach is rendered more difficult to the extent that the former regime voluntarily gave up power as part f a bargain with the democratic opposition, and yet remains on the scene, even continuing to control the armed forces and internal police apparatus. The Southern Cone countries f Chile and Argentina pose this challenge in its sharpest possible form, but the same type f issue is posed for many other countries, including South Africa and several Central American countries.The complexity f this challenge has been widely revealed over the course f the last year or so by the controversy surrounding the arrest f the former Chilean dictator, Augusto Pinochet.

The story’s plot (if there is any) was light. It was just about a guy (Manong) who took care of a bull and eventually met a girl (Aning) on the road. It was obvious that Manong was attracted to Aning mainly because of her figure, “The underpart of her arm is while and smooth…And her hair is thick and black.”The bull in the story served as a connection of the two persons. It was like in Chekhov’s “The Lady with the Pet Dog” (I just realized that I often cite this story in my commentaries. What can I do? I love this story). When Manong was having a meal with the bull on his side, he found the girl fetching water on the well and it was obvious that Manong grew “conscious” in her presence which leads to the idea that he likes the girl. But on my reading, he just likes the girl due to impulsiveness – physical attraction. His noticeable thoughts of the girl’s “breast” was the proof that he was just another normal guy who does this thing. Oh, I’m sounding crappy.

Synaesthesia and the Encounter with Other - Assignment Example What Abram is trying to say in this passage is how humans can speak to innate objects such as trees and rocks. To most people, this just sounds insane and it clearly shows how humans have become alienated with nature. In ancient time, our ancestors used to communicate with nature and this kept them in touch with their inner self. However, due to the advent of alphabets and farming conversations with other species or nature has become outdated. This dependence to nature is evident on all the continents of the world by the varied forms of identification but is usually referred to as totemism. Abram further argues his point by saying, “the articulate speech of trees or mountains” is due to human engagement with nature via the synaesthetic convergence of two forms of senses, mainly hearing and seeing. The reason why the argument is important to him is that imaginary distortion such as conversations with trees is the very structure of perception.

WORLDVIEW - Assignment Example(Clooney, 2010). It is highly associated with the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus and those who believe and follow his teachings. Christians are the followers Christ and Christianity is the religion. According to St. Paul, Christianity has a foundation in the body and the soul of Christ Jesus, believed to be the son of God. According St. John, Jesus is the Lamb of God who came down to salvage man from his sin. They also believe that, it is only through Christ that mankind will receive salvation and that Jesus has sat on the right of God. Christianity was mainly a religion of the West but has spread to the rest of the continent and become the main largest religion all over the world.In the New Testament, Christians identify themselves with Jesus Christ as their true savior and the only son of God. According to St. Matthew, Jesus is the lamb of light and He links human beings with God. They believe that, through Christ, man will able to see God.

A Living Entity - Essay ExampleThe third and final branch of the criminal justice system is the corrections department, and in this arm includes jails, probation and parole, and prisons (Cohn, 1977). When an offender breaks the law, the police are the first aspect of the corrections department that the offender will encounter. After the arrest and investigations are completed, the person is then taken to the second arm of the criminal justice, that is the courts, where they are tried and if found guilty, are sentenced to serve a prison term, or a different penalty depending on the offense (Cohn, 1977). The court transfers the guilty person to the corrections department that may include serving a prison sentence, probation and house arrest, rehabilitation, and depending on how severe the offense is capital punishment may apply. Emotional labor It is in the background of these responsibilities and duties to a nation that the criminal justice personnel find themselves in difficult situations.

Power in Browning’s My Last Duchess and Cheever’s The Five-Forty-Eight    Â      "That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall," begins Robert Browning’s "My Last Duchess" (594). The Duke of Ferrara, Italy makes a dramatic monologue to the count’s representative in poetic form. The count, being a friend of the Duke’s, has offered to provide the Duke’s next wife. The Duke informs the representative of all the habits he found annoying in his former Duchess as an instruction of the customs his next wife should and should not do; or she will find the same fate as his previous wife. He found these habits so annoying that he had her killed. The power that the Duke has starkly contrasts with the helplessness Miss Dent feels in John Cheever’s "The Five-Forty-Eight." Blake hires Miss Dent as his secretary, after she has been in the hospital for eight months. She is very grateful to Blake for giving her the position because she has had a difficult time finding a job due to her prolonged stay in the hospital.

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