To further test why there was a difference in the above results, t-test was further conducted between the two groups to identify the items where there are possible differences between the two groups under study. B. 1. Leadership, Item 1: There was no significant difference between the Leadership mean scores of the Others Group and the Leaders Group. This means that as far as the Leadership indicators were concerned the two groups could be considered as belonging to the same population, Table 4. Table 4. T-Test Results of Leadership Mean Scores of the Others Group and the Leaders Group Variables Others Leaders t-test Significance.Leadership 3. 805 4. 186 -1. 68 p=0. 10n. s. n. s. = not significant (accept hypothesis: mean scores of others = leaders) * significant at 1% level (reject null hypothesis) This implied that although the respondents belonged to different echelons in the organization studied, as far as the Leadership, Item 1, measures are concerned; the Junior Officers and the Senior Officers perform at the same level. B. 2.
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- Others vs. leaders Essay 2020.02.12
- The Abolition Of Prostitution In Malaysia 2020.02.11
- Volkswagen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words 2020.02.11
- Did strategy drive war or did war drive strategy in early modern and Essay 2020.02.10
- Narrative paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words 2020.02.10
- Artist Statement (Describe the photographies) Assignment 2020.02.10
- Effects of Radio as a Form of Advertising 2020.02.09
- Public Value and Accessibility of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words 2020.02.09
- Motivation and Control: The Police Supervisor’s Dilemma 2020.02.09
- The Perfect eProduct Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words 2020.02.08
Others vs. leaders Essay
The Abolition Of Prostitution In Malaysia
The Abolition Of Prostitution In MalaysiaLast year I spent a lot of time working for the charity entitled The Hope House. This charitable organizations objective is to educate the children that are born into the brothels. The organization intends to build a place where these children can be provided with training in several artistic areas such as: photography, dance, painting etc- which I intend to teach at when I achieve my degree. There is a documentary on this subject matter Born Into Brothels, directed by Zana Briski, Ross Kauffman , which brutally displays what these children endure throughout their childhood. One of the little boys featured in the documentary now attends NYU for photography, which is unheard of by the people in the brothels of Cambodia; Avijit is now one of my closest friends. The involvement I have in this organization sparked my interest to look further into the brothels and examine the different theories of how to essentially stop the red light district.A brothel can be defined as a house where men visit prostitutes ( OED 2. a).
Volkswagen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Volkswagen - Essay ExampleFurthermore, Porter’s Five Forces analysis and SWOT analysis is also conducted with regards to the internal environment of the company. In conclusion, the report proposes two specific recommendations to the Board of Directors after critically and comprehensively analyzing the strategic position of the business. It is suggested that Volkswagen take immediate measures to further enhance its position in the US which has delivered optimistic performance so far but indicates that further efforts are needed. It is also recommended that Volkswagen continue to explore emerging markets across the globe such as India while maintaining its position in China and Brazil. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 1.Introduction 3 2.Analysis of Strategic Position 4 2.1Internal Audit 4 2.1.1Strategic Capabilities 5 2.1.2VRIN ANALYSIS 6 2.1.3Value Chain 8 2.2External Audit 9 2.2.1PESTEL Analysis 10 2.2.2The Five Forces Analysis 12 2.3SWOT Analysis 15 2.3.1TOWS Matrix 16 3.Conclusion and Recommendation 17 1.
Did strategy drive war or did war drive strategy in early modern and Essay
Did strategy drive war or did war drive strategy in early modern and modern France - Essay Exampleue Protestants in France while helping Protestant organizations abroad— so as well did strategy turned out to be restrained.iii The bloodbath of the Thirty Years’ War gave way to wars fought for ‘reason’, to enlarge the ruler’s interests and through him the entire stateiv: hence the birth of strategy in early modern and modern France.While scholars analyzed old Roman literatures to unearth the element that made the legion indestructible mechanisms of strategy, so too did strategy practitioners revisit the Classical period where in the premise of foreign policy influenced the waging of war.v For some time, the growth of the newly centralized government and the creation of gunpowder seemed to destroy the formidability of fortifications: medieval defenses failed to endure the thrashing of late 15th- or early 16th-century However, the creation of thoroughly devised geometric buttresses brought back a great deal of the balance.
Narrative paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Narrative paper - Essay ExampleIt was a holiday and, thus, most of the people were out. Our car was at a signal. On green light, the driver in front of our car did not move. My dad is very short-tempered but, still, he kept his nerves. We got out of the car, and went to the driver. I saw that he was trying to grab his cell phone from the back seat that his kid has thrown there.“No, I don’t!†He shouted at dad, “I’ll move, just go, I know I don’t have to stay here forever. Hey Jimmy, did you find the damned phone?†This time he shouted at his kid. The signal had already turned red again.My dad wanted to end the situation without any quarrel. But he looked annoyed, and this annoyed me. I wanted to punch that man right in his face. He really wanted some lesson. But I kept silent and let my dad talk.“Hey man,†Dad said loudly this time, “I won’t allow you to be rude to me. Move your car right now. I’m getting late.†Everyone was giving horns and shouting at us to move. I could see all other drivers staring at us.
Artist Statement (Describe the photographies) Assignment
Artist Statement (Describe the photographies) - Assignment ExampleHe has adopted a classic ruminating pose.In Math Problem (05_lee.jpg), we have the clear case of a student apparenetly solving a math problem in the library. He is taking help from an online source via a laptop, as well as referring to his notebook for writing the solution. He seems tired. Care has been taken to include as much of the setting as possible.In Group Session (06_lee.jpg), we have the case for a frontal photo representation of a group of students that appear to be working on a joint problem or in a group. They are looking at their laptops, which are a ubiquitous symbol of American life and indeed of education and the youth. An everpresent Pepsi lies on the table for refreshment.In Photograph 8 (08_lee.jpg), the emphasis shifts outside in the open air, as our subject is a female student sitting crosslegged in a public park, her schoolbag tossed by her side.
Effects of Radio as a Form of Advertising
Effects of Radio as a Form of AdvertisingRadio AdvertisingExecutive SummaryAdvertising in general expresses the positioning. Powerful advertising is the result of powerful planning. Great ideas and great ad campaigns dont just pop out from no where, they are built on the key communication points that motivate sales.Radio is entirely a medium of sound, which evokes smells, sensations and visual images which brings the listeners imaginations into play.Radio advertising is one of the tools of advertising which is effectively used for communication and positioning. It is one of the foundations for effective and successful advertising. Radio can be used effectively for advertisement since it can target the large audience because of its high reach. Radio is good at increasing awareness about the brand and business and helping in building the brand image.But all this was only for pure academic purpose. With the advent of television radio lost its popularity and thus its purpose with the marketers.
Public Value and Accessibility of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Public Value and Accessibility of Art - Essay ExampleOne fact is that it is observable that art allows one to live life happier and lighter. Art can be observed as having played a crucial role in life throughout the ages. It can be described as universal because its presence is seen everywhere, in every country and culture with their own depiction of art. Cave dwellers of prehistoric times used art by drawing on the walls to record history. Religion uses art in recording the life and death of Christ. An artist creates art for a specific reason and purpose, which could be religious, symbolic, customary, traditional or just simply expressive. Whatever the purpose may be, art has been used as a way to express ideas and beliefs.With the question, "does a concern with public value in the cultural sector mean that it should be accessible to all", the answer to this is yes. This position is supported by a number of attempts from a shift of private art museums into making them public and allowing the people to see them.
Motivation and Control: The Police Supervisor’s Dilemma
Is there a relationship between the amounts of control desired in a police organization and the ability of police officials to create a motivating environment among rank-and-file officers? If so, how is balance arrived at between these two apparently opposite concerns in police organizations? I believe that the relationship between the control which is desired and the ability to create a motivating environment. It is not a clear cut relationship and it can cause problems within the organization and for the employees.The problem with this relationship is that while the people in charge of the organization want a specified amount of control, they cannot accomplish this without some repercussions. The difficulty lies within how to gain this control without completely alienating every employee who works within the organization. The important part of the relationship is to compromise and understand that the officers have needs which must be addressed. An example of how important that these two needs are met shows in Maslow's Needs Theory. (Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003).
The Perfect eProduct - Essay ExampleHowever, it is without question that with this drastic increase in available technology, the price of these devices have risen precipitously. Along with this price increase, so too as the consumption habits that the consumers display. Rather than changing a mobile device several times throughout the year, individuals are now encouraged, by simple force of economics, to retain their device longer, protect it, and seek to repair it in the off chance that it is somehow damaged. It is further estimated by experts that the industry responsible for the repair of mobile devices engenders an economy that is worth tens of millions of dollars annually. Whereas the repair of current mobile devices takes many shapes and forms, the most common repair that is engaged is repair of chipped, broken, or cracked glass screens. Whereas formerly mobile devices were put together with plastic LCD panels, the trend towards touch-screen devices has meant that more and more of these devices are now made with glass.